Product ONTOlogy (PRONTO)

Product ONTOlogy (PRONTO)
PRONTO (PRoduct ONTOlogy) is an ontology for the Product Modelling domain, able to efficiently handle product variants, which defines and integrates two hierarchies to represent product information: the Abstraction Hierarchy (AH) and the Structural one (SH). The structural hierarchy of products is a tool to handle product information associated with the multiple available recipes or processes to manufacture a particular product or a set of similar products. The formal specification presented in the paper also includes mechanisms to infer structural information from the explicit knowledge represented at each of the AH levels: Family, VariantSet and Product. This proposal efficiently handles a great number of variants and allows representing product information with distinct granularity degrees, which is a requirement for planning activities taking place at different time horizons. PRONTO easily manages crucial features that should be taken into account in a product representation, such as the efficient handling of product families and variants concepts, composition and decomposition structures and the possibility of specifying constraints. @en
Ontology languages
Ontology format
Bibliographic refs
PRoduct ONTOlogy. Defining Product-Related Concepts for Logistics Planning Activities. Giménez, D., M. Vegetti, G. Henning, y H. Leone. Computers in Industry, 59. ISSN: 0166-3615. 231-241. (2008) PRONTO. An Ontology for Comprehensive and Consistent Representation of Product Information. Vegetti, M., H. Leone y G. Henning. Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence, 24. ISSN: 0952-1976, 1305-1327. (2011)
Methodology used
For the development of PRONTO, and ad-hoc methodology based on well accepted principles has been proposed and adopted. It has the following four stages: Requirements specification: this stage identifies the scope and purpose of the ontology. 1. Conceptualization stage, which organizes and converts an informally perceived view of the domain into a semi-formal specification using UML diagrams. 2. Implementation stage, which implies the codification of the ontology using a formal language. 3. Evaluation stage, which allows making a technical judgment of the ontology quality and usefulness with respect to the requirements specification, competency questions and/or the real world. 4. It should be noted that these stages were not truly sequential; indeed, any ontology development is an iterative and incremental process. If some need/weakness was detected during the execution of a stage, it was possible to return to any of the previous ones to make modifications and/or refinements.